Our Attractions
There’s a reason City Kids Adventure Play attracts a lot of families as we have our toddler area, main frame and Jo Jingles session for babies and children from 3 months to 5 years old.

Baby and Toddlers Area
Our baby and toddlers area is designed to let children 4 and under to have a safe place to play. Babies that are under 11 months can come to our indoor soft play for free alongside their parent.

Main Play Frame
The price for normal entry is £6.50 to play on our main frame. We have climbing walls, cannon shoots and many more fun filled soft play areas. Have fun and make friends while playing on our play frames together.

Jo Jingles
Jo Jingles is here, this is a music, singing and movement experience for babies and children aged 3 months to 5 years. Classes are every Tuesday and Friday at 10:30am-11.00am. Jo Jingles is a fun, educational and interactive time that includes:
Imaginative class programmes
Musical instruments for every child
Develop language, listening memory and social skills
Children parties also available